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The hour is now the game changes to appear be truthful to who you are life is so short so, it drives me nuts, but people say we do not have the time we have 24 hours a day I am much more valuable to my family and to my community because I was willing to let them go through the door I teach myself learn myself condition I and then come back and get them you are either going to get healthier and wealthier or you are going to go bankrupt your choice pursue what you really want with everything you have brace yourself steady your nerves put your head down and tackle whatever you face head on I need you to believe in every possibility that you have and understand that it is not over for you let your work get your opportunity let your work gets your praise let your work open the doors let your working people paying attention let your work in the entire world to notice stop thinking stop procrastinating and you got to work good there will be many times in your life whatever goal you have get up and run after it your brain is designed to keep you safe your soul your intuition your human spirit is designed to make you sword that is not just a book in your hand that is your sword that is not just an idea that is your sword that's not just a dancing gift that is your sword but what you cannot do are you cannot quit doing the process you?

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