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When you get up and say, today is the day things happen differently!!!

But then you fell prey to your own habits and anxieties. Maybe you want to change careers, improve your romantic relationship, or take up a creative hobby, but you can't seem to find your footing when you take your first steps.

An issue which is critical in the times in which we live how many times do you stop living your life due to fear 1 of the problems that most people manifest is that they do not dare to do things because of an internal fear that has already been Together with the criticism of what they will say or there are simply ghosts in the past that do not let people live their lives as they should be and do not dare to make the decisions that they should theoretically make. That's why The Habit of Courage an examination of the role fear plays in our lives with a 4-step program to become our bravest self and follow our dreams using inspiring examples and practical advice based on cognitive behavioral therapy as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy outlines ways we can all cultivate the courage we need to change our lives.

Fear is the main obstacle that we all must overcome before we can manifest our true dreams and desires. It has also been seen that fighting fear is unrealistic, so you are just pretending that it does not exist.

In this analysis I am going to show you how you can live a braver life by investigating your deepest fears, changing your emotional routines, listening to the stories you tell yourself, in this analysis you will have to imagine a more liberated day you can walk towards change Why you should focus on interrupting your cue-routine-reward cycle and how you can effectively engage with your inner critical voice I begin by pointing out the role fear plays in your habits and routines. To transform your life, you may have unexpectedly arrived at the truth that drives you, whether you are unhappy with your career, a relationship, or something else that may seem inconvenient.

It can trigger those feelings of insecurity the whole idea of ​​change, it can seem impractical or uncomfortable, these actions are completely normal more, however, it may surprise you to learn that these are all rooted in the same thing, but the fear is not always seen in the way we expect, sometimes it manifests itself with other feelings when we decide to make a radical change without first acknowledging it.

Can it be easy to use the feelings that arise from us to rationalize failure?

Suppose you would like to change careers, you feel incredibly intimidated, more, however, the question should be why it can be so scary to take a new direction. Well, the brain prefers comfort and predictability, to achieve it your body abounds with feelings of fear and anxiety when its routines are challenged.

Also when you choose the predictable route, the brain rewards you with the feeling of relaxation, ultimately this is why facing your fears and making changes are so difficult besides being with the feelings that bother you, trying to fight! fear ignoring it or relentlessly telling you things like think positive are methods that just don't work!!!

So what can you do instead?

You can choose to practice courage by engaging with your fear and giving yourself permission to let go of the status quo and discover a better way to live, one way to do that is by reconsidering your approach to fear by challenging old habits and forming new ones, but before you are ready for this 4-step process that forms the habit of courage, you must first do a few other things starting with embracing your authentic desires as we will see later.

But for now we are going to reflect a little on the teachings of this first point that places us in context, the first thing when we decide to make a radical change without first acknowledging our fear, it can be easy to use the feelings that arise from it, to rationalize the non-compliance , that is, we are going to justify why I am not going to accept fear as such, but rather any external circumstance is going to be the pretext for not doing what I am supposed to do and this leads us to ask ourselves a question. .. Why should it seem so scary to take a new direction if we know what needs to be done and understand that it is in our best interest to do it?

Why it is then so difficult to simply put it into practice is that the brain prefers comfort and predictability, and to achieve them your body abounds with feelings of fear and anxiety when its routines are challenged.

Also when you choose the predictable route, the brain rewards you with the feeling of relaxation, so we feel a kind of relief when we avoid that uncomfortable situation, the reality is that facing our fears will require patience and in addition to sitting with the feelings that make us feel uncomfortable and it is something we have to learn to deal with. Why is it not going to go away? In other words, fear is not going to disappear out of nowhere and we cannot simply deny it either. What is important is to learn to accept it, that is why they give it as a recommendation, instead you can choose to practice courage . Committing to your fear you also have to reconsider your approach to fear by challenging old habits and forming new ones, in a nutshell is to accept what makes us afraid, accept that feeling of discomfort knowing that it is not going to go away, so let's try to go deeper, because many times the cause for which fear is generated is there, it can be something deeply rooted within us that if we do not realize that it is present, we simply will not be able to change that pattern of behavior.

Later we will delve into these aspects, but for now stick with the teaching of this first point, living with courage begins by pointing out the role that fear plays in your habits and routines!!!

We spend tomorrow with the second point. In advance, thank you very much for your interest, have a great day!!!

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